
Geography derives its unique character from its dealing with space and time. Its ability of spatial & temporal analysis makes it an integrating discipline, this is the reason that probably every discipline can be studied with a geographic perspective.
Such inter and trans-disciplinary character produces some interesting reading…

Does Solar Energy Pay Off Its Carbon Debt?

The global population is increasing and it seems only obvious that the available sources of energy will deplete. And this increasing population will consume finite resources to meet our energy requirements. Currently, there are only a handful of coal and petroleum mines that are meeting the energy demand of the growing 7 billion people. On […]

Does Solar Energy Pay Off Its Carbon Debt? Read More »

Climate Finance: The great gap in Climate Legal Frameworks 

When we hear about or worse, suffer directly from a heatwave, flood, or a big fire, there’s no place for doubt that what stands behind it is climate change. Some call it global warming, others climate change but an increasing number of people are recognising it as a climate crisis. With any social, environmental, and

Climate Finance: The great gap in Climate Legal Frameworks  Read More »

A Polar-Centric Approach to Understanding the Arctic Climate Crisis vis-à-vis Global Politics and Commerce

Much of the prevalent discourse on the environment, resource economy, climate change, etc. has been focused on the polar regions to a great extent. Yet most of these discursive exercises focus more on these phenomena than the region itself. The region with its peculiar geographical features and characteristics affects the global political, economic, commercial, and

A Polar-Centric Approach to Understanding the Arctic Climate Crisis vis-à-vis Global Politics and Commerce Read More »