You can download IMD data using Python ide (pycharm) or you can use the Python plugin of QGIS.
In this tutorial, we use QGIS (View and cite related Research)
Step 1: Set Windows Execution Policy
- From the start menu search ‘Windows PowerShell’
- Right Click on it and ‘Run as administrator ‘
- In the console type or copy and paste the following command and press Enter
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Now type ‘A’ and press Enter.
Step 2: Run ‘Python Console’ in QGIS
- Open QGIS and in the plugins option click on ‘Python Console’.
- Open editor
Step 3: Command for downloading the data
- This command will download the data for the whole India (you can change the X and Y values for the desired location)
- The default resolution is 0.25 for rain and 1 for tmin and tmax (you can change it as per your requirement)
- For different parameters change the variable from ‘rain’ to ‘tmin’ or ‘tmax’.
- Change the start year and end year as per your requirement, currently, it is 2011-2021.
import imdlib as imd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# install imdlib python library
# you should be connected to internet for downloading the data
#-9999 value is for no data in saved csv file
# This code will download the imd data first and then convert the data to csv file
if you have data already downloaded then create folder named rain/tmax/tmin inside any folder and
copy yearly data files in the respective folder and rename yearly data file as year name i.e 1951.GRD 1952.GRD etc and
comment the line imd.get_data(variable,start_yr) and run the code it will convert the binary .GRD data into csv file
start_yr = 2011 # give starting year from which you want to download/convert data: 1901 ownwards for rainfall, 1951 for tmax and tmin
end_yr = 2021 # give ending year upto which you want to download/convert data
variable = 'rain' # give variable name (rain for rainfall, tmax or tmin for min or max temperature)
file_format = 'yearwise' # other option (None), which will assume deafult imd naming convention
imd.get_data(variable, start_yr, end_yr, fn_format='yearwise', file_dir='E:/data/') # download IMD data: just change path as per your requirement
file_dir = 'E:/data/' # this path should be same as mentioned in previous line
data = imd.open_data(variable, start_yr, end_yr,'yearwise', file_dir) # this will open the data downloaded and saved in the location mentioned in previous line
if variable == 'rain':
grid_size = 0.25 # grid spacing in deg
y_count = 129 # no of grids in y direction
x_count = 135 # no of grids in x direction
x = 66.5 # starting longitude taken from control file (.ctl)
y = 6.5 # starting latitude taken from control file (.ctl)
elif variable == 'tmax' or variable == 'tmin':
grid_size = 1 # grid spacing in deg
y_count = 31 # no of grids in y direction
x_count = 31 # no of grids in x direction
x = 67.5 # starting longitude taken from control file (.ctl)
y = 7.5 # starting latitude taken from control file (.ctl)
#print(grid_size,x_count, y_count, x, y)
np_array =
#xr_objecct = data.get_xarray()
years_no = (end_yr - start_yr) + 1
day = 0
for yr in range(0,years_no):
f = open("E:/data/"+str(start_yr+yr)+"_"+str(variable)+".csv",'w') # just change the path where you want to save csv file
if ((start_yr+yr) % 4 == 0) and ((start_yr+yr) % 100 != 0): # check for leap year
days = 366
count = yr + days
elif ((start_yr+yr) % 4 == 0) and ((start_yr+yr) % 100 == 0) and ((start_yr+yr) % 400 == 0):
days = 366
count = yr + days
days = 365
count = yr + days
day = day + days
for d in range(0, days):
for j in range(0, y_count):
for i in range(0, x_count):
f.write(str((i * grid_size) + x))
f.write(str((j * grid_size) + y))
time = 0
for k in range(day-days, day):
val = np_array[k,i,j]
if val == 99.9000015258789 or val == -999:
print("File for " + str(start_yr + yr) + "_" + str(variable) + " is saved")
print("CSV conversion successful !")